back pain is debilitating according to Dr John Albietz, Spinal Surgeon BrisbaneBack pain is debilitating. It is functionally debilitating and it is emotionally debilitating and the patients that I see want alleviation from the constant pain that is preventing them from participating in the activities that they enjoy.

What are the most common back problems?

The most common complaints people have relating to their spinal conditions are referred arm pain or leg pain, often referred to as sciatica or a pinched nerve.

They also experience debilitating back pain or they may experience a combination of both severe back pain and radiating arm or leg pain.

What causes back pain?

Most patients think that any pain that runs down their leg is sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, or they may refer to that as a pinched nerve. A lot of patients will think that the back pain they’re experiencing is from pinched nerves.

Back pain is usually from injuries to discs, facet joints, ligaments or muscles. Nerve compression pain normally presents as radiating pain down the legs which is commonly referred to as sciatica or a pinched nerve.

And the top two back problems are?

There are two primary back problems. One is axial pain, which is either neck or lower back pain. The other major problem is nerve compression pain presenting either as arm or leg pain.

What are my treatment options – both surgical and non-surgical?

A range of treatment options exist for these conditions. The majority of the time whether you have back or neck pain the treatment is non-operative, but if symptoms persist or if extremely severe, then surgical options are available.

The most common surgical options for nerve compression symptoms involve simple nerve decompression. On occasion the spine may need to be stabilised to provide an environment whereby the compression of the nerves doesn’t reoccur.

Which back problems can specifically be treated surgically?

Surgery is certainly not warranted for a vast majority of spinal conditions and a lot of spinal conditions will get better just with the benefit of time and active rehabilitation.

However there is a small subset of conditions where spine surgery is certainly warranted and patients will do very well from having these conditions operated on. Generally this will include nerve compression symptoms, but also conditions that affect spinal stability.

As a spine surgeon, the various problems that we can treat through surgery for back pain include:

  •  discogenic back pain
  •  facet joint related back pain
  •  instability or
  • nerve compression.

What is my next step?

Make an appointment to come and see me so that I can thoroughly evaluate the condition that’s affecting your spine and provide you with a comprehensive array of treatment options to provide you with the best chance of achieving a resolution of those symptoms.